TANGO maldito presents

April 27–29, 2018

  • ...

Overwhelmed by the huge success – welcome to the

3 days of Tango.


between gender & nationalities

Music & DJ's

100% traditional with fabulous international DJ's


Unique location with a huge window front in the old factory district


Delicious food - vegetarian, vegan & mediterranean is part of our concept


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... Schedule

3 days - 7 fabolous DJs - 28 hours dancing
Finest vegan, vegetarian and mediterranean food.
Tee, Coffee, Water will be served during the whole time.

  • 2018
  • 27 Apr 18


    2 DJs - 2 sets
    07:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. DJ Chris. B. Walker
    11:00 p.m.- 03:00 a.m. DJ Céline Devéze

  • 28 Apr 18


    3 DJs - 3 sets
    01:00 p.m - 05:00 p.m. DJ Vladimír Dudr

    *break* Rest and shower

    07:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m. DJ Justyna Jedrzejewska Bernas
    11:00 p.m - 03:00 a.m. Vinyl DJ-set with DJ Sia "Alibaba"

  • 29 Apr 18


    2 DJs - 2 sets
    11:00 a.m - 03:00 p.m. DJ Dele
    03:00 p.m - 07:00 p.m. DJ Falko Guelberg

Our thrilling DJ's.

Chris B. Walker


The music I tend to play is characterised by its danceability. My intention over the course of the milonga is to keep dancers well entertained by a continuous and subtle increase of the energy. The mix I serve usually starts off with early 1930s tandas and then moves on in time and complexity.

Céline Devèze


Céline aims to maintain the energy on the dancefloor while nurturing the emotions of the dancers with a nuanced selection of music from the late 20s to the 50s. A DJ with elegance, emotion and energy. She plays with her heart, and is well known and loved by dancers all over Europe. Céline runs the Pasionaria Milonguera Festival (in the south of France). She teaches tango, organizes events, and is very busy travelling as a highly sought-after DJ in Europe, mostly in Italy and France. Her motivation: to keep intact the energy of the ball room in privileging the emotion of the group, and intimity of each dance,

Vladimír Dudr

Czech Republic

Each single tango I'm putting on should offer something new to the milonga. I'm trying to avoid exaggeration in any direction to be able to keep good mood trought the whole evening. Looking for the perfect tandas and the perfect time to unleash the strength of the music recorded even 8 decades ago. Having no rules, but ideas gained by listening, dancing and studying the genre and its history.

Justyna Jedrzejewska Bernas


First of all she is a dancer. Since she was a child, dancing was a part of her life and finally became everything for her. From being a dancer to being a Dj the way was very short. She started Djing in 2011 at regular milongas in Warsaw and then at Marathons and Festivals across Europe. Respecting the mood of the dancefloor and keeping balance between rythmical and romantic tangos, music make people dance till the very last tanda. She cares about variety and smoothnees of tandas so the music bring lot of energy and unexpected emotions to our movement and soul. It is the MUSIC that inspire us to dance!

Sia "Alibaba"


“Tango changed my life! A beautiful tango music touches my heart and I get the desire to dance. With a right dance partner I lose the feeling for time and my feet determine what I should dance. These moments are indescribable! As a DJ I try, with my music selection , to create a basis for such moments for other dancers. I try to animate them to dance, to have great energy, keep the energy and calm down. I want to make the dancers happy! This is my mission! As an organizer of my own Marathon „Maracuentro“, I try with all my heart and energy to create a family atmosphere for unforgettable moments!”


United Kingdom

Dele has been DJ'ing for over 10 years in the UK and, at milongas, marathons, and festivals in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. He prefers to play traditional music mostly from the Golden Age of tango but not exclusively as he is known to play music from upcoming modern orchestras which shares the same sentiment as the great orchestras of the Golden Age.

Falko Gülberg


DJ since the 80s of the last century :•) - Tango since of 2005. In my imagination dancers are surfers waiting for the "perfect wave". As a DJ I want to provide them with this wave. Variety and a good sound quality is important to me, catching the dancers on the dance floor and not letting them go away - maybe as in the "golden age". ;) Master of #Tangomaschin ;)


Looking forward to meet you in an area with a lively history.
The machines of yore have long since come to a standstill and no smoke billows from the chimneys these days.
Lets fill the historical "Pfanni" canteen with magic tango vibes and emotions.

Registration starts 22.12.2017 12.00 (noon)

Recommended Hotels

where are we ? click for google map. Nachtkantine – Atelierstrasse 28 – 81671 München

Terms & Conditions

• The number of the participants will be limited and reserved for only accepted people. Daily enterance is not available.
• Registrations are only acceptable by the web form that will appear from the above link from now on. We don't accept registrations through email and/or Facebook.
• In order to make your tango experience wonderful we will mix and match in order to balance. Diversity will have priority! Acceptance criteria will combine first-come-first-serve, geographic location and gender.
• The confirmation to participate is strictly personal and is not transferable to another person.
• You have to register alone. But don't worry, if you want us to regard your registration only in combination with your partner, please fill out the partner field in our registration form with the name of your partner.
We will reply as soon as possible and either accept it or notify you if we are required to put you on the waiting list. In case of participation you will receive an email with payment details, allowing ten days to execute the payment. Please note that your participation is not confirmed until we have received and confirmed your complete payment.
Refund can be requested just until one month before the event by email and will be granted only if we find a new participant of the same role in between a week.
Tango Maldito – Jürgen Krebes
Wörthstrasse 12
81667 München
Telefon: 0172-8150689
E-Mail: jkrebes@tango-maldito.de

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contact us info@muenchen-tango.com